Creating Moods in your locations for your Photoshoot by
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After you have decided where to shoot and who your subject will be then you must start your vision to create. As a creative this can be a difficult thing to explain. For me the creating comes before a shoot. I will plan my images and how I want my final product to look but the real creating is a teamwork of model and photographer and light and mood.
How do we enable a creative mood on set? This can be a challange. As we all become absorbed with lighting, lenses and wardrobe. Sometimes the place we shoot becomes our mood. As in the above image Kansas City's West Bottoms. The Mood becomes almost a challange in the shooting. So how to stay focused and let mood become creative try these three tips on your next shoot. To create a artistic mood.
1. Plan ahead and have your game plan and vision available for your model and. Assistants. You'll find that pre-planning frees up your creative mind space.
2. Challange yourself to create images that are out of your comfort zone. This will surprise you and you'll find new ways to create.
3. Trust your creative inner voice. It is never wrong. Learn to listen to it and you'll find your images and your creative Mood inspiring those you work with.
Creating mood in your shoots is all about you. As a creative you must balance art technique and interpersonal skills. No one becomes a expert at anything in one day. The expertise lies in realizing that everyday you shoot you develop and enable your creative side to flourish.
Get out there and Shoot!
Kimberly Pimentel.