Tips for A Smooth as Jazz Portrait Session
Portrait taken by Kimberly Pimentel of Pimentel Portfolio.
Ok, you have consulted with the team of Creatives. You have your date and time of shoot nailed down. Now what?
Here's a few tips to make the day of the shoot easier.
1. Discuss what you want in a image. Make sure you and your creative are on the same page as to what type of images you are wanting. Sure the creative part will be in the interpretation and execution of the images, but have a open communication on the images and it you have questions call your creatives.
2. We will email you the week before your shoot finalizing the time and date as a reminder. Make sure you know what to expect how to get there what time the basics.
3. What to wear ? What to wear? Don't panic. First ask for suggestions. We suggest the following, wear solid colors , patterns can create issues and for colors darker color translate better but a pop of color can be greate. Try and bring 3 outfits so we can look discuss and create. If we are creating a set of looks we will suggest a casual look, a buisness casual and perhaps evening look. If you find you really are in need of a look you don't have I suggest having a personal shopper such as a service that Nordtrusms offers. Where a staff will put together a rack of looks for you based on your needs / wants.
Preparing to feel like star ! Start practicing your autographs you are going to have fun and be treated like Brad Pitt and Anjie. Really in all honesty this will be your day we are sure for this.
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