Branding, Media Portraits in Kansas City

#BrandiSharp a local Kansas City buisness owner came to for a Social Media Branding Session.  She was in the process of creating and inspiring others in her Journey and was ready to show the World.   And we were there to create and capture her Media Branding Look.

Brandi Sharp local  Kansas City business owner discussing her Media Shoot 

Brandi Sharp local  Kansas City business owner discussing her Media Shoot 

Your Brand as a Entruapneur starts with You. And we all know first impressions are a game changer. And a envoking connectable  polished Social Media Portrait is a part of your Journey. For Brandi,  we did a thinktank Consult with her input.  Her needs were to have a Media Portrait that was Approachable, Energetic and Glamourous because she is #glamlife .

Post Shoot captures dialing in the Look

Post Shoot captures dialing in the Look

To make your Branding Social Media Portrait Session a success create a game plan. Start with hiring a Photographer who can caputure the energy of your look.  Then discuss with your creative your Brand, who are you what's your journey. Then assemble your wardrobe looks. Then book your session.

 I am Kimberly Pimentel a  Kansas City Photographer and owner of Pimentel Portfolio.  I can be booked for Social Media Branding Portrait Sessions. Contact me