Natural Light is something that I once embraced and captured. I worked for years with no off camera flash enjoying the simplicity. Anytime I used flash I typically was not happy with the results. Once off camera flash came into use I liked the appearance of it but felt intimidated by the medium inhancer. Then I overcame my fear of Studio Lighting. I fell I love with strobes and realized my creativity could be expanded by thier use.
And as weather and time of day effect lighting I learned Studio lights could bridge this gap. I studied studio lighting In New Mexico under educator Pat Barrett. In fact I became so use to studio lighting that I found myself never using natural lighting.
Fast foward 15 Years And I’m now re- embracing the luxury of Natural Light. It’s once again capturing my eye and allowing me realize that the “art” in the natural light captured is learning how to let the light lend itself to embrace the portrait, not overtake it.
The balance, subtly and warmth of natural lighting lends the portrait capture a uniqueness. And I know I will continue to love natural Light portrait work. As it was my original home of comfort in the Portrait world.
A natural light portrait created by Kimberly Pimentel of Pimentel Portfolio LLC
Kimberly Pimentel is a Kansas City based Photographer Her website with current work can be seen at