You are your brand. From the moment you wake up get dressed, drive to school or your work place.
Your Brand begins with you. So, represent it the best way possible, and this includes making a positive strong presence on your media.
Senior Portrait reflecting style and presence.
A Senior portrait can be the beginning of a journey into your adulthood. And your portraits at this time will reflect this journey.
You will change and grow in the next 5 years. New places to live, careers, and collegiate paths will be chosen. As You change so will your goals and also your self-Brand will change to fit your path.
You, are your Brand and that becomes your message to others. So, yes we all create a brand, business owners, college students, teachers. What does your brand say about you today?
And, where will it take you?
Pimentel Portfolio LLC is a Kansas City based business, that specializes in creating personal portraits for everyone who needs to Brand themselves and more importantly needs to create social impact. We can help you do that.
We can be contacted at:
Pimentel Portfolio LLC
Kansas City Missouri