
Branding Portraits are for everyone. Not just business Owners.

​You are your brand. From the moment you wake up get dressed, drive to school or your work place.

Your Brand begins with you. So, represent it the best way possible, and this includes making a positive strong presence on your media. ​

Senior Portrait reflecting style and presence. 

Senior Portrait reflecting style and presence. 

A Senior portrait can be the beginning of a journey into your adulthood. And your portraits at this time will reflect this journey.

You will change and grow in the next 5 years. New places to live, careers, and collegiate paths will be chosen.  As You change so will your goals and also your self-Brand will change to fit your path. 

You, are your Brand and that becomes your message to others. So, yes we all create a brand, business owners, college students, teachers.  What does your brand say about you today? 

And, where will it take you?  

Pimentel Portfolio LLC is a Kansas City based business, that specializes in creating personal portraits for everyone who needs to Brand themselves and more importantly needs to create social impact. We can help you do that.  

 We can be contacted at:

Pimentel Portfolio LLC

Kansas City Missouri


The Portrait by Kimberly Pimentel


I am a Portrait Photographer.

I capture and preserve portraits for people so they can see and embrace their real selves as others see them.

I remember with fondness years ago as I was purchasing my first L series professional lens. It was a Canon 50 mm 1.2 L. As the young clerk at the local electronics store where I had  purchased  the lens smiled at me and said, 


Portrait of Flamenco Dancer


“Wow your getting the 50mm 1.2! That’s a amazing lens you must shoot a lot of portraits?”

I replied “yes I Shoot only Portraits”



Portrait of Ballet Dancer Roxi Henrici



     He replied , “ Someday.... I’d love to own that lens , but portraits are hard to shoot.”

     - I thought as I walking out the door  clutching  my new glass  to my chest I love creating Portraits and  for me Someday had begun.

I have throughout my career as a Photographer shot many  different Prime lenses. I’ve owned a 28mm, a 85mm a 135mm, but never have I owned a Pro Canon Lens. Nor would I ever have thought I could own a Canon Pro lens.


Portrait of Entrepreneur.

   Let’s start with where I came from to explain who I am as a Photographer.  I came from very meager beginnings don’t get me wrong I was by all means from a middle class family, But my family worked very hard  to achieve where they are now.

     My grandparents had been struggling Migrant workers from the City of Chiuauau Mexico.  And they came to America to better themselves . And, my parents  with this same ethic had instilled in us from a very young age that to get anywhere in life one must become educated and work hard. We had a good life growing up in the country , fishing and playing in the fields instead of working in them. All because my grandparents had a dream and changed their lives for my parents and then me.  




Portrait of Male Model


      Who know where my love of Photography and capturing portraits comes from? I like to think of  it as starting early in myself as a way of learning about people. Studying their eyes and. Facial features, As my grandparents spoke no English and I no Spanish and growing up in a bilingual family.  We, my brother and sisters would sit at the dinner table with our families trying to comprehend conversations through the facial emotions. 


Maybe my love for capturing portraits comes from the struggle of my grandparents. Maybe it’s because I know that everyone deserves the opportunity to tell their story.

And that the story can be seen through the eyes of the people I Create portraits for.



      In the eyes of the young Actor, the emotive eyes of a  dancer, and loving eyes of the bride for her groom, they all tell a story.  What story do your eyes tell?

Let me help you tell your story and capture it in time.  So that long after you and I have left this world , your story will live on.  I am a Portrait Photographer and my images tell your story. 

When was the last time you were photographed?