Palm Springs

Kansas City Photographer on Entrepreneurship.

    Do what you love in life, and you'll love your life. Entrepreneurs often walk to the best of a different drum.  They live life facing challenges of career moves and often self doubt thier creative skills.

     People will doubt your ideals and question your paths at times. I still cringe when I think of someone telling me  " yeah someday that might be a business for you!", or things like " I've seen you do way better". Comments like these and self doubt can lead some entrepreneurs to kick their dreams to the wayside.  

    But at the end of my day running my Photography Portrait business I know two  definitive things:  

   1. It's my dream  

   2. It's what I love to do

and what it all boils down to in life is "what you create is a biproduct of who you are and your love to create. "

I feel lucky everyday to do what I do.  I meet interesting people learn about them and capture their energy in a portrait session. I couldn't ask for a better medium for my creative inner nature.

Pimentel Portfolio Studio creating a Look for a client.

Pimentel Portfolio Studio creating a Look for a client.

We all walk through our lives placing markers on events that are meaningful to us.  Journeys we've been on good and trying. We all look back on memories. The thoughts we carry with us become postcards of the mind. 

When your lucky enough to be doing a Profession that you love, you soon realize how the pieces of the puzzle fit so well. When  your engaged in tasks that allow you to create and be in your element the workflow is rewarding instead of daunting.

Tether shooting a session for Male Model Jacoby of Kansas City.

Tether shooting a session for Male Model Jacoby of Kansas City.

Life does move so fast it's a challenge  to keep up the pace at times. But, I have realized that if you are involved in a career that you Love you will Love your Career.

     Nothing's ever perfect and it all takes work and commitment to the goal. But, heres my list of three pivotal steps, to increasing your life happiness ratio.

   First, find what you love to do. Really think about this. Some of us take decades to find this key. Try on many hats and explore.

  Build a a footpath to your goal. look at others journeys. Learn and research your ideals. Educate yourself as much as possible. The most beautiful of bridges have crumbled when the dreamer forgot to see the river nearby and how it flooded occasionally.

Surround yourself with a Army of associates, family and creatives. You need have to have sounding boards for your visions, in all facets. From the accountant, the banker, the lawyer the spouse the best friend all will become your extension into your new world, and all are necessary.

Entrepreneurs face difficulties daily when starting new ventures. I have made mistakes on my path, have doubted my art, my self. But defeating attitudes breed defeated ideals. I choose these days to wake up each morning and think of ideals and plans to make Pimentel Portfolio bigger and better.  For now it's my creative niche but someday I would love to help others pursue their dreams. Everyone deserves to see a dream come true. For me right now this path is a dream. I can't wait to see where it leads me.

Take the Moment

I try to shoot images daily.  IPhone or my digital gear,  Im always composing images.  The key to Gaining confidence in Photography Skills lies in Knowledge, Practice and love of the Art.  When you are shooting challenge yourself to focus on one aspect at a time.  Choose a theme,  maybe people, composition, lighting or abstract.  On the day we shot these images we were In  Palm Springs California   the only light we had to work with was natural sun from a doorway.   I filtered with with a soft blind and we grabbed a white folder for a bounce to even both sides of the face and shot.  

Black and white with Natural Light Bounce

Black and white with Natural Light Bounce

Palm Springs California Natural light capture color soft light, with sunlight adding a Hair accent.

Palm Springs California Natural light capture color soft light, with sunlight adding a Hair accent.

Shoot daily with whatever you have.  Your skills and love of the Art will grow as your confidence does.


My name is Kimberly Pimentel and I am a Kansas City Portrait Photographer.  My website can be seen at :
