I try to shoot images daily. IPhone or my digital gear, Im always composing images. The key to Gaining confidence in Photography Skills lies in Knowledge, Practice and love of the Art. When you are shooting challenge yourself to focus on one aspect at a time. Choose a theme, maybe people, composition, lighting or abstract. On the day we shot these images we were In Palm Springs California the only light we had to work with was natural sun from a doorway. I filtered with with a soft blind and we grabbed a white folder for a bounce to even both sides of the face and shot.
Black and white with Natural Light Bounce
Palm Springs California Natural light capture color soft light, with sunlight adding a Hair accent.
Shoot daily with whatever you have. Your skills and love of the Art will grow as your confidence does.
My name is Kimberly Pimentel and I am a Kansas City Portrait Photographer. My website can be seen at :